Morocco’s Minister of Justice, Abdellatif Ouahbi, said it is important to build a legal and regulatory framework for social networks during the 40th session of the Council of Arab Ministers of Justice, which took place in Cairo on Thursday.
In a statement to MAP, the Minister highlighted the significance of establishing a regulatory scheme for social networks and streaming platforms that can be exploited to infringe on individual liberties.
Calling for a thorough discussion on the matter, he said that Morocco was preparing to host an international conference on artificial intelligence and social networks in April, and that several leading international figures are expected to participate.
Ouahbi also stated that the meeting of Arab Justice Ministers had produced important results and decisions addressing a number of issues including terrorism, drugs, social media, children’s rights, and cooperation on the transfer of prisoners between countries.
Morocco had presented a series of proposals at this session of the Council of Arab Ministers of Justice, he added, noting Morocco’s re-election as a member of the Council’s Executive Bureau.
The meeting agenda focused on the means of implementing the Arab counter-terrorism conventions and the mechanism for their operationalization, the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism, as well as the fight against computer crimes, in addition to strengthening Arab and international cooperation in the fight against terrorism.
Participants also reviewed progress in implementing decisions relating to the Arab anti-corruption convention, the draft Arab convention on the conditions of refugees in Arab countries, the draft Arab convention on the protection of personal data, the draft model Arab law on the prevention of hate speech, the draft model Arab law on the protection and assistance of displaced persons in Arab countries, and the draft model Arab law on the protection of children against recruitment in armed conflicts.
They also discussed the amendment of the Model Arab Law against Drugs and Psychotropic Substances.